How do I label my photos so that Photo Finish can correctly identify them?

Name all photos using either the variant SKU or barcode. 

For example, if the SKU for a variant is 1234, name the photo  1234.png

Or, if the barcode for a variant is 789, name the photo 789.png

If you have more than one photo for variant 1234, name the photos  1234_1.png1234_2.png, 1234_3.png, etc. 

*Please note that if you're adding multiple images to a certain SKU say 1234 you'll need to have an underscore for all of the attached images. So if you have 4 images for the same variant it will look like this: 1234_1.png, 1234_2.png, 1234_3.png, 1234_4.png if you have one that's labeled 1234.png Photo Finish will skip it all together. 

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